50 Hikes 'til Vegas



Sarah: Washington State University Alum, who enjoys sappy romance novels, solving CSI crimes before Horatio Cane can and long walks down to Woods Coffee where she can then sip on her beloved Americanos (no cream or no sugar please). Sarahs favorite things are; her walkman radio, leopard print snuggie and earth-toned wardrobe, never to be seen in something of color.  


Stephanie: Western Washington University Alum and returning student enjoys her life as a professional student, not paying rent for her swanky abode in her parents basement and trying her best at fitness. (attempting  to drops those extra lbs sine 1995!). Stephanie recently got suckered into P90x (we've all seen the infomercial) and will let you know after 90 days if shes ripped or not!


Ryder: Since recently being adopted (May 27, 2010) Ryder has proved himself as an avid swimmer, runner, hiker, and bird chaser. Ryder is about 10 mo. old and loves to chew on everything, especially expensive shoes. Ryders favorite places are Birch Bay and anywhere he doesn't have to be on a leash. Ryder loves meeting new friends and hates being alone suffering from a severe case of separation anxiety. Ryder has many skills, he will soon be a graduate of his doggie obedience school (cant say top of the class) but he can sit, roll over, "pray", stay, etc.