50 Hikes 'til Vegas


Greetings and Salutations from the Beautiful Pacific Northwest!

As you may have guessed from the title "50 Hikes til Vegas" this site has a little something to do with hiking and a lot something to do with Vegas. So who are we and what exactly are we doing?

Who Are We: Just two wild and crazy kids, cousins to be exact (our moms are sisters) who love hiking, the outdoors, and even more importantly VEGAS!! We both grew up and continue living our lives in a quiet green little city in the upper corner of Washington State called Bellingham.
P.S. If you really care... Stephanie(Left), Sarah (Right)
in the above photo. In the next photo, a lovely close-up of the hiker with the most skills "Ryder". 

Our Mission: To complete fifty hikes then reward ourselves with a trip to Sin City!